divendres, 17 de març del 2017



Can you scare us?
-No, I have not been scared.
What are you fears?
- The spiders and thunder.
Are you a horror expert?
Do you remember you dreams?
-Yes, sometimes.
I go at party, but all I run to do is get home. And then I hear my mother's bell.
I run to find her. She be alone. She feel not supposed to be alone. I run up to the house to find my dad. There feel something wrong. It be safe. There feel something evil in the house.
Who invented to GN?
-The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole.
Les altres preguntes no les he pogut contestar perquè em sortía una pestanya a sobre que no es podía tancar
Where did horror stories begin?
-Hundred years ago by America's greatest master of drama and suspense.
What is the history of tell-tale heart about?
-The story is told through the eyes af a manmen.
Who wrote the tell-heart and invented the first macabre history.
-Edgar Allan Poe
When was it first published?
-UPA production.
Where did horror histories begin?
- Black cats.
Who's the director of this movie Psycho?
-Alfred Hitchcock.
What type of characters did he often use in horror films?
- Girls and children.
What technique did he use with the camera?
-High angles, eye level shot, close up shot and medium shot.
What is the comic relief?
Why is the often used in horror films?
-Because it happened in real life.
Do you remember laughing in horror films?
- Yes, a lot of sometimes.

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