dijous, 16 de març del 2017


Eli: Where are you from?
Women: England.
Eli: Is it the first time that you are Spain?
Women: No, is it the two time.
Eli: Hoy did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
Women: By train and car.
Eli: Why are you in Girona?
Women: We have been coming for some time
How long are you going to stay here?
Women: Six week.
Eli: Are you travelling whit family or friends?
Women: Family.
Eli: What have you visited up to now?
Women: Oh yes today, the shops.
Eli: Have you bought any presents?
Women: No.
Eli: Do you know anyone words in Catalan or Spanish?
Women: Yes.
Eli: Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
Women: Yes, we loved.
Eli: Do you think Girona/Catalonia is expensive?
Women: No.
Eli: Do you see any differences from your country?
Women: Yes.
Eli: Do you know anyone who lives in Girona?
Women: No.
Eli: Is there anything you don't like?
Man: No.
Eli: Have you watched Game of Thrones? Did you know some settings from season 6 were shot here?
Women: No.
Man: Yes. In general or Catalonia?
Eli In Catalonia.
Eli: Do you plan visit Sebastiao Salgado's photographys exhibition?
Women: No. I don't know about. Where is it?
Eli: Girona.
Eli: Would you recommend Girona to your family or friends?
Women: Yes.
Eli: Will you come back again?
Women: Yes.
Eli and Inés: Thank you very much for your time! Goodbye!
Women: okey.
Man and Women: Bye!



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