dijous, 30 de març del 2017



This Christmas has been very hard for my family, for to the recent death of my grandfather.
I was not able to go to my grandparents' house.
For not seeing an empty chair on the table.
That night I went partying with my friends and had a lot of fun
I also stole the phone and I think it was my grandfather who punished me for not having gone with my family.

divendres, 17 de març del 2017



Can you scare us?
-No, I have not been scared.
What are you fears?
- The spiders and thunder.
Are you a horror expert?
Do you remember you dreams?
-Yes, sometimes.
I go at party, but all I run to do is get home. And then I hear my mother's bell.
I run to find her. She be alone. She feel not supposed to be alone. I run up to the house to find my dad. There feel something wrong. It be safe. There feel something evil in the house.
Who invented to GN?
-The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole.
Les altres preguntes no les he pogut contestar perquè em sortía una pestanya a sobre que no es podía tancar
Where did horror stories begin?
-Hundred years ago by America's greatest master of drama and suspense.
What is the history of tell-tale heart about?
-The story is told through the eyes af a manmen.
Who wrote the tell-heart and invented the first macabre history.
-Edgar Allan Poe
When was it first published?
-UPA production.
Where did horror histories begin?
- Black cats.
Who's the director of this movie Psycho?
-Alfred Hitchcock.
What type of characters did he often use in horror films?
- Girls and children.
What technique did he use with the camera?
-High angles, eye level shot, close up shot and medium shot.
What is the comic relief?
Why is the often used in horror films?
-Because it happened in real life.
Do you remember laughing in horror films?
- Yes, a lot of sometimes.

dijous, 16 de març del 2017


Every Monday and Friday I go to Figueres. Because I'm going to the acting classes whit Eva Mas.
Apart from doing theater, we also dance. We are four girls.
In September it's going to be a year since I'm going. Since I was little I wanted to be an actress, it's my dream! I know it's a very difficult race, but I want to do it.
My parents support me, but before they told me it was stupid.
After ESO I want to the high school scenic in the Deulofeu.
My favourite actresses.

Resultado de imagen de actores y actricesResultado de imagen de actores y actrices


Eli: Where are you from?
Women: England.
Eli: Is it the first time that you are Spain?
Women: No, is it the two time.
Eli: Hoy did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
Women: By train and car.
Eli: Why are you in Girona?
Women: We have been coming for some time
How long are you going to stay here?
Women: Six week.
Eli: Are you travelling whit family or friends?
Women: Family.
Eli: What have you visited up to now?
Women: Oh yes today, the shops.
Eli: Have you bought any presents?
Women: No.
Eli: Do you know anyone words in Catalan or Spanish?
Women: Yes.
Eli: Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
Women: Yes, we loved.
Eli: Do you think Girona/Catalonia is expensive?
Women: No.
Eli: Do you see any differences from your country?
Women: Yes.
Eli: Do you know anyone who lives in Girona?
Women: No.
Eli: Is there anything you don't like?
Man: No.
Eli: Have you watched Game of Thrones? Did you know some settings from season 6 were shot here?
Women: No.
Man: Yes. In general or Catalonia?
Eli In Catalonia.
Eli: Do you plan visit Sebastiao Salgado's photographys exhibition?
Women: No. I don't know about. Where is it?
Eli: Girona.
Eli: Would you recommend Girona to your family or friends?
Women: Yes.
Eli: Will you come back again?
Women: Yes.
Eli and Inés: Thank you very much for your time! Goodbye!
Women: okey.
Man and Women: Bye!




These are my purposes for this year.
1. Study hard
2. Take my motorcycle card
3. Do not answer the teachers.
4. Travel to Ecuador
5. Learn to swim
6. Stop biting my nails.
7. Learn more English.
8. Do not go out partying.
9. Get good grades.
10. Have the ESO.
11. Go to sleep earlier.
12. I want to be more responsible.
13. Learn to cook lentils.
14. Stop depending on the phone.
15. To overcome my grandfather's death.


Resultado de imagen de fotos angulo alto

Resultado de imagen de fotos angulo BAJO

Resultado de imagen de photo slanted angle

Resultado de imagen de photo EYE LEVEL SHOT

Resultado de imagen de photo AERIAL SHOT

Resultado de imagen de photo CLOSE UP SHOT

Resultado de imagen de photo LONG SHOT

Resultado de imagen de photo MEDIUM SHOT

Resultado de imagen de photo WIDE SHOT

Resultado de imagen de photo TWO SHOT

Resultado de imagen de photo POINT OF VIEW

dijous, 2 de març del 2017


This is one of the photos awareded in the World Press Photo 2016.
The image shows the journey that thousands of refugees have to make.
In the photo we can see how a man hands a baby from a few months to another on the border between Serbia and Hungary.
The refugees are undoubtedly protagonists of the majority of the sections that rewards the competition.
This is a very serious problem that is going through the war. The people of Syria do not have to pay the consequences of the war.
We would have to hel them all.
refugiado (Warren Richardson )


Last week I went to the carnival of roses.
Resultado de imagen de carnaval roses 2017I was with my friends Clara, Andrea, Lola and Lore.
We saw the floats and then we went to drink. Then we went to the sports center where there was a party. In the disco I met a boy, Alex and I liked him.
I was disguised as a kangaroo. Now I have to wait a year for the next carnival. But I had a great time.